
Translation of amar in English:
amar (ah-mahr)
1. To love
We think the word AMAR is the most beautiful word in the Spanish dictionary, whose root "amma" (AMOR) is born from the first sound syllable that a child expresses to a mother. It is a reminder of the purest feeling of humanity.
AMAR refers back to the creator’s creative energy, the most subtle vibration that has formed everything, AMOR.

Perú &
Our Menu Is Completely Based
on pure love for comida
The idea of creating a Peruvian + Mexican kitchen happened because the cultures merged in our family sparked a combination of flavors, techniques and dishes in our gatherings.
After 10 years admiring and learning from Peruvian cuisine we decided to follow this dream and share with our community what we cook in casita.

Warm, Cozy & Casual
Heart-warming food and a leafy space to enjoy brunch, lunch, dinner or your work break.
We want our guests visiting AMAR to be instantly transported
into a peaceful ambiance and enjoy a cozy and delicious moment.
Immerse yourself with a taste of Peru and Mexico in AMAR.

Plant- based
